EI/UI/EE/UU Lamination Stacking Machine - since 1972
Original manufacturer from Taiwan HT5C U-trust to EI-250/UI210
High Reliability / Accuracy / Durability / Efficiency Machine
Around 26 - 28 seconds to complete 1 unit transformer stacking.
**Many customers are happy to use the HT5C big EI-size machine.
The stacker machine operator will not feeltiredafter long hours of usage,
The new HT5C design makes the swivel very light swiving.
Some customerspurchasethe EI-96 / EI-150 & EI-152 & EI-171machine
with several machines in 1 purchase order.
**With the High-quality machine design, Machine User will not need to worry
about the repair, As repair & maintenance is almost not needed after
years of usage. The strong/durable quality is a base stone of
the EIstacking machine manufacturing.
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